Watanabe Noji have made maimum effort to develop unique and valuable products.

Seed is indeed the most important
power of agriculture

Our Products(Menu)


  • TY Fuji
    Hybrid : F1
    productsIntermediate pink hybrid tomato, 150-200g weight, continuously producing 6 fruits per cluster for long time, High brix and excellent flavor, HR: TYLCV(Ty-3a).Cf-9.V, IR: F1.F2
  • TY Hotaka
    Hybrid : F1
    productsLarge sized red hybrid tomato, 200g weight, firm and have a good shelf-life, continuously producing 5 fruit per cluster up to cooler season, HR: TYLCV.Tm-2a.Cf- .LS., IR: F1.F2
  • TY Akagi
    Hybrid : F1
    productsIntermediate pink hybrid tomato, 180g weight, High brix and good texture, firm and have a good shelf-life, HR: TYLCV.Tm-2a.LS. J3. F V.N.
  • TY Yaritake
    Hybrid : F1
    productsBeautiful wine-red color hybrid tomato, 150g weight, high brix and good texture, HR: Tm-2a. TYLCV. Cf .J3.V.B.N.
  • TY Tsukuba 2
    Hybrid : F1
    productsIntermediate pink hybrid tomato, 150g weight, short internodes, well balanced brix and acidity, HR: Tm-2a.TYLCV.J3.F .V
  • TY Tsukuba 3
    Hybrid : F1
    productsIntermediate red hybrid tomato, 150g weight, short internodes, high brix, HR: Tm-2a.TYLCV.J3.F .V
  • TY Tsukuba
    Hybrid : F1
    productsIntermediate red hybrid tomato, 200-220 weight, short internodes, high brix, firm and have good shelf-life, HR: TYLCV.Cf .LS
  • TY Tsukuba SP
    Hybrid : F1
    productsIntermediate pink hybrid tomato, 180-200g weight, short internodes, high brix, firm and have good shelf-life, HR: TYLCV(Ty-3a)
  • CF Cute
    Hybrid : F1
    productsRed round cherry tomato, 15-20g weight, Rich taste with high brix, HR: Tm-2a.Cf. J3. F. V.
  • TY Cute 2
    Hybrid : F1
    productsRed round cherry tomato, 15-20g weight, Rich taste with high brix, HR: Tm-2a.TYLCV.Cf.

※ Attention
The picture in this Website is intended only to illustrate the kind of vagetable. Vegetable harvested might differ from pictures in shape, size, conformation according to the growth conditions.